Too, Spring arrives with daylight savings time, though in recent years this has been complicated, as I have been going through two separate daylight savings jumps - one here, and one a few weeks later in Europe (to be repeated this year).
And now I have another marker -- a beautiful one at that!
But first, there is breakfast. With daffodils. (Grocery stores begin carrying them by the bucket load a good month before they open up their bright faces outside.)

And even earlier, there is farmhouse cleaning: the upstairs today, the downstairs tomorrow. And writing! Don't forget about writing!
Alright. I'm happy to have a clean home (or at least a clean bedroom and bathroom) and I am very happy to finish the editing job on the next one of the (too many) chapters of my Great Writing Project. But it's sunny outside and we're a bunch of degrees above freezing. Many on the east coast would be green with envy. Ed and I need to spend some time outdoors.
We do the easy walk -- on the trails of the newly discovered park segment just up the road. Through a dormant prairie...

... Onto a slip of land jutting out into Lake Waubesa...

(where you will still find a few bold fisher people doing their thing...)

An hour later, we are driving home and this is when spring really hits me in the face full blast. I mean, I knew they was coming, I heard them, I sensed their presence, but seeing is believing, no?

The sandhill cranes fly away from our state for the three months of winter: they leave in December and come back in March. They are back now.

And that makes me so happy!