I'm in three places at once and it's not even 7 o'clock yet. Lily snipping (I stop half way to attend to other business), animal feeding, then quickly, I bike over to Steffi's House to let in a guy who has to fix the internet wiring. While there, I hustle the Polish visiting tenant to pack up. He has to be out of there within an hour or two. (He's moving to the sheep shed for a month!) Ed needs to drive over with his truck and remove the furniture we found for him. The real tenants are moving in for the next year and the place has to be ready for them. Can I have the garage door opener please? It's broken. Oh no! I wish I knew that yesterday! I pop into Tati's for breakfast foods. Too early. Baked goods not yet delivered. In the meantime the Mosquito dudes are on their way to give another push to the swarms of mosquitoes at the farmette. We need to corral as many animals inside as we can. The skittish chicken is impossible! We chase her, tempt her with a stale croissant (their favorite) -- it's no good. She flies off to who knows where. The others are in the garage, messing the place up, I'm sure.
Do we even have time for breakfast? Just barely.
(is "watermelon" breakfast?)

The young Polish engineer arrives with his junk for the sheep shed, How did he accumulate so much junk in his brief stay here? Oh, that's right. He and his wife (now in Poland) had a baby. Babies breed junk. Ed and I take over a lawn mower to Steffi's, Ed loads up the stuff for Goodwill. I mow the lawn there. It's a hill and the grass is tall. Too tall. The mower jams every two minutes. Ed fixes the garage door opener then takes over the mowing while I try to sweep the mud out of the garage. Hurry! We have until noon!
Okay, house is ready for the next move-in.

Go home. But not for long. It's getting close to grandkid pickup time and I still need to swing by UPS (a return), the pharmacy, and Madison Sourdough to pick up cookies for Sparrow and croissants for... everyone. Wait, shouldn't I finish tidying the garden?
Thankfully, the lily count is now below 300.
(Some pics from this morning)

Okay, pick up kids. I offer no resistance to the push to get ice cream at Tati Cafe.
Bring the kids to the farmhouse. Read. Eat. Play.

Return kids to parents.
Is that it? I'm sure I forgot something. Hmmm. I know! Groceries! No time to shop. Put in an order for delivery. I dont care if the fruit isn;t picked by me. I just need food in the pantry for the next few weeks.
Eat reheated chili. Drink a glass of wine.
Watch the macabre Ripley series, then finally, finally, a switch to the Olympics. On the couch. With a smile, and love...