And look at what we have outside!

It's not deep, but nor is it a fleeting event. We continue to have temperatures that are well below normal.
Breakfast in the front room. No sun today, but we brighten up the place with flowers.

(And I brightened up the pic's exposure a tad to show off how pretty the cheepers are against a cover of white stuff. Not that they like it! Here, Java is leading the two young girls to the garage. I don't think they'd ever touched snow before!)

I spend the morning housecleaning and baking. The place is filled now with the smell of apples and cinnamon.

And then I hurry to meet the younger family at my mom's place.
(Primrose and her great grandmother)

From there, it's a hop and a skip to my older girl's home. Welcome, little Primrose! Your cousins, aunt and uncle are sure happy to have you here! (As for grandma? Oh, don't even ask!)

(The three cousins)

A band is formed. Everyone has an instrument to play!

And soon enough it is evening. We eat dinner at the ever informal ever tasty Longtable. Primrose is delighted by the lights, the TV screens, the noise and clamor of our family enjoying our night out together.

Sparrow is equally enthralled.

Happy, happy times around a table. All of us. Feeling grateful to the core.

Late. It's late now. Babies need to be fed (so many willing hands!)...

One last dance needs to be performed, to the tune of jingle bells...

One last story told, one last joke, one last song.
I come back to the farmhouse. The snow is cruncy beneath my feet. It adds an aura of stillness and calm.
Hello, farmhouse, hello you, inside.