But I have had many many days and nights where there was no time for sleep. Travel zaps my restful hours all the time and I'm okay with that. So no, I don’t think it was the sleep.
The snow? And sleet? And hail? ALL DAY LONG! In the second half of April! Yes, that was a slap.
But still, I’ve had even May days in Wisconsin when wet flakes covered spring flowers. So surely I am not going to be dragged down by the weather!
Teaching. Is it that it? No. I like students.
How about the farmhouse reconstruction: am I bothered that it is still so far from done? That the front steps are crumbling – unusable really, the back porch is a wreck, the interior still has weeks of detailed work – does it upset me that I am moving in tomorrow (tomorrow!) to a work in progress? Most definitely not: no upset at that. The spaces that I need are ready for me. Sure, there is still no hot water, no stove, no floor in the foyer – but there is so much! And the parts that are done are beautiful!
Perhaps it is the frustration with the appliances. Sears delivered: plunked the stuff on the (newly finished) kitchen floor and left. So who will install it all? The stove itself is a project, we knew that. But the dishwasher – whew! So many complicated steps! Ed favors saving on labor and doing it ourselves. Meaning himself, because believe me, installing a dishwasher is not my forte.
Tomorrow morning Two Men and a Truck will be here, ready to take... not much, actually. Two beds, a couch. Two dressers. Patio chairs. An exercise bike. That’s it.
I try to think back to when I moved here. I’m such a sentimental person! Why am I not sad about this last night here, at the condo? Is it because I had long figured that I would not be in this place forever?
Funny how that works.
After teaching, I move furniture, wipe down construction grime, push aside everything to make room for tomorrow’s deliveries. Later, I'll return to the condo for sure. For the few odds and ends that I’ve not bothered with. And for the clean up. The place needs a good scrub after the chaos of the past weeks. And for a moment of quiet. So that I can make sense of it all. Because right now, I just want the last bags packed, the last load laundered, all ready for the move tomorrow.