I can't linger much over breakfast. Tuesday is an early day at Snowdrop's home. I barely have time to drop off a mouse in the fields to the far north (if it's all the same mouse family, then I think we're starting in on the cousins, because this one was number seven for the year).
I've said before that Snowdrop is an energetic little girl. This morning she surely fulfilled that promise. After her breakfast and bath she lingers maybe for a handful of minutes...

... and then she is off. To the kitchen.

To the bathroom. The hallway.

The closet.

Up the stairs, chasing Virgil, or I should say trailing Virgil who moves with lightening speed, especially on the stairs.

Her bedroom.

The kitchen again -- exploring the finest details of whatever item she encounters along the way.

(Sometimes sampling her discoveries...)

Yes, at some point we do take a break. I contemplate taking a nap at the same time she takes hers, but settle in for a nice cup of chamomile tea instead. Very grandmotherly of me, no?
And here's the other grandmotherly deed -- in the late afternoon I insist on that fresh air play. The little puff ball starts with some leaf piles...

... but we take a brisk stroll as well and the air is perfect for it: crisp, but not yet off-putting.
I know November will give us some poor weather days soon enough (tomorrow?), but I'm not thinking about that right now. It has been a beautiful month thus far. Truly beautiful.