Sunday, November 13, 2022


Oh how quickly they fall! One step out into the real world (airplanes, airports, dinners -- in other words, life in the more normal mode) and my never-wanting-to-travel or indeed, to-leave-the-farmhouse beloved is under the weather with who knows what virus. (Not Covid.)

Our day is structured carefully around this. I'm back to full time animal duty...

(so pretty outside, but yes, very cold)

[You could be looking at a lovely photo of farmette lands under a light dusting of snow]

And breakfast is together, in a way.

[Here, I'd put in a pic of breakfast in the living room: Ed is under a fluffy quilt.]

Then he sleeps and I continue with holiday shopping. All on line. Gone are the days of crazy malls and long lines at stores. I suppose there is a loss. The social aspect (is there a social aspect?) flew out the window. But for a person who never really liked shopping, it is indeed fabulous to search websites rather than real sites.

I do go out, for my walk, but alone again. Ed sleeps. And sleeps. And sleeps.

(well, not entirely alone)

[A beautiful closeup of sandhill cranes]

(the air is crisp! on the shores of Lake Waubesa...)

[The lake is reflecting a dramatic sky of grays and blues. Stunning!]

And then I come home and do the stupid thing I do every several months, without fail: I accidentally erase my camera card, so that all the images of snow dusting, of our unusual breakfast together, of cranes and an absolutely gorgeous Lake Waubesa have disappeared in a puff of smoke. Yes, I know there are data recovery programs out there. My camera has an unusual card. It's unconventional formatting does me in. Future lesson, since I am never going to NOT make this goofball mistake -- go back to using standard photo cards which can be salvaged when someone idiotically presses delete before she has finished downloading the pics onto her computer.

In the evening, the young family is here for dinner. Great moods, lovely smiles. And I am not going to accidentally erase these photos! 

And later, much later, Ed and I are back on the couch for our evening together. I mean, there is no way that we can stay out of each others germ space. Might as well snuggle under the same couch quilt. Besides, there is a chocolate to share.

with love...