Friday, July 23, 2004

One afternoon, two reader comments

A professor-type writes: “ [bla bla bla …amounting too ‘your blog is too critical’ bla bla bla] [It's] up to you, but ...”
A student writes: “…I will be a 1L at UW this fall. I am emailing you because I have been reading your blog for the last couple of months. I have thoroughly enjoyed the pictures of Madison and your commentary since I have only been to Madison once for two days…”
You can tell who your real friends are.

Sadness is…

…watching your dog willingly hop in the car, confident, unaware that he is on his way to Stevens Point for a 5-month stay because his owner, who has walked, fed, cleaned, scolded, loved him for 5 years cannot keep him during the rather hectic month and then Fall Semester.

If a dog bears the imprint of the owner’s personality, then, extrapolating from Ollie, I have to conclude that I am smart, persistent, loyal and peace-loving, though I make rude noises at strangers until they make the effort to pat me on the head. After that I am all over them, “climbing into their lap” (let’s hope this is metaphorical) whenever and wherever they “get down to my level.” I don’t realize that this is inappropriate behavior for a person my age/size. I do it because I trust them and like the comfy bonding that ensues. I don’t slobber and I like my own space, but I watch the comings and goings of people closest to me with an astonishing precision. I always know what everyone is up to and what mood they’re in. I tolerate the vicissitudes of their temper swings, though I sure would prefer a calm day. And I love food. I eat basically anything. 

punky funky Ollie, with that concerned look that he and I share (note his furrowed brow) Posted by Hello

Ollie, this morning Posted by Hello