What if we use miles? He asks. No, not for this. The taxes are so high that you feel scraped from all sides – goodbye miles, good bye savings.
What if we go this way... we trail off in speculative analysis of how to get from point A (somewhere in the Midwest) to point B (somewhere across the ocean) spending as little as possible.
So many combinations, so many frustrations. I give up yet again. Work pushes thoughts of fares aside.
But not entirely. The what if train keeps spitting out options and ideas and I click on this website and another, following strategies that some would regard as mildly nutty.
So many early hours of the day have been spent in this way! I sometimes wonder if the $100 saved in the end are worth the sheer effort involved. And of course, I’m now just a little more pressed for time as I dash out to catch the bus to campus.
...A bus that I manage to miss by ten seconds.
And so now it’s back to biking, even as I swear winter is nipping at my neck, just to show that it’s not entirely a done deal.
If I thought the lake would be ice free and balmy, I thought wrong.
Late in the afternoon, I push the bike up the hill home. In the condo, I take out the books I need for tomorrow’s classes, but I can’t concentrate. I call my occasional traveling companion. What if we took the cheap flight north, then south... He counters: no, what if we took it north east, then switched airlines...
Okay! I answer.
Just like that...? Okay...?
The train that never stops.