... 5% was spent over breakfast (we take a long time to eat in the morning)...

... and the rest was spent over my computer screen, working through my late October travel dilemmas.
And so I am tremendously glad that by 11 a.m., everything in Poland closes for the day and I can do nothing more of a bureaucratic nature and, too, Snowdrop is back home from her medical check up (assessment: she is a gross motor skill powerhouse! ... as if we here, on Ocean, did not know that!).
Ah yes -- she goes from clinging to my finger...

... to clinging to nothing at all.

She is, after the doctor's visit, in a more serious mood and I let her stay with that.

She needs her nap, but I refrain from putting her down until we pass the noon hour -- the time of the monthly practice weather warning siren. (It unnerves Snowdrop and interrupts her sleep.)

it's just a siren, Snowdrop...
The afternoon is lovely and I do, of course, take her outside for a walk.

(But first she has to make sure the UPS package delivery is not for her. I explain to her that she is too young for Zappos. Then I look at the Zappos website -- hmmm, guess I'm wrong.)

In the evening, as I make my way home, I think -- I should have driven Rosie. Typically, in October, I'm too cold for the moped. Not today. Surely not today.