We eat breakfast in the sun room because because because -- it is full of sunshine!

On this day, I work hard on clearing ALL my flower beds from spent growth and accumulated leaves. I opt for doing them all, if not very thoroughly, rather than doing just some with meticulous care.

My arms will feel the pain tomorrow, that's for sure.
On this day, too, Snowdrop comes over to the farmhouse. Oh, the things she gets into! There are the books...

("hmm, how can I put this in my mouth...")
Mousie, too, gets a very wet, slobbery kiss.

Then there's the dancing moose....

All those games, kicks and slobbery kisses... It's exhausting!

But a solid lunch puts her in a good mood once more.

("power to the little people!")
Since the sun is out (initially), I'm thinking -- it would be a good time to take her out for a longer walk. I put on her sweater. She is psyched!

But the wind picks up and the clouds take hold and suddenly I think little Snowdrop is way underdressed! I take off my fleece and wrap it around her legs. And now I have to really sprint to keep my bare arms warm.

On this day, I appreciate the fact that I've kept a spare pair of jammies at home for her. All that lunch? Well now, no diaper could contain that! Time for a clothing change. (My, but the English love flowers on their fabrics!)

In other news, on this day I drop a banana on Snowdrop's head. So now I'm going to show her off with bits of banana in her hair.
Show her off? Well yes, to my visiting friend -- and her Madison family, who are having a Passover-ish dinner tonight. I'm there and I bring Snowdrop and eventually my daughter (who has been out of town) and her husband join us and it's so terrific to eat wonderfully prepared food and to be in the company of family, even if it's not your family, but it may as well be, because I have known these people for such a very long time!

Snowdrop has had a wealth of new experiences these past few days. On this day, she is just short of three months. A rich and beautiful three months!