Tuesday, November 13, 2012


If I could borrow a few hours from yesterday or tomorrow, I would do it. Sweet time, time when I'm not tired, time when I have the will to be something here, on Ocean, something other than worry that minutes are racing too quickly toward a day's end.

I don't have those extra hours. No one is handing out extra time, not today, not on any day and so all  I can do is concentrate on the photographed moments from this day and thankfully there are several and the post will be about those and nothing more (was there anything more?):

First, the breakfast that always dazzles because it is pure and good and so often defined by streaks of sunlight.

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Then, the Rosie ride to work. Now that's cold! I almost gave up on her. We were below freezing when I left for work and all the layers in the world couldn't keep that riders' wind from hitting anywhere that it could.

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Can you tell how outrageously blue it was today? So much so that during my break between class number 2 and class number 3, I ran down to our lake just to see how it would look if you piled all those blues together, one on top of the other. I was glad that I did. On days like this, Lake Mendota is absolutely dazzling.

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The Rosie ride from work was in winds that were a few degrees warmer, but I was a few degrees less capable of fighting off coldness and so I can readily say that this was a low point. Even as, at sunset, the farm fields were golden and lovely and so I was glad to look up and take a quick photo.

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Evening dinner: when I'm tired, I like chopping and mixing. So I made turkey chili...

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... which was terribly appropriate because it had been a cold day and now I just wanted something hearty before me and of course, immediately after, Ed went to play volley ball and I began my evening-long fight with sleep.

And at this moment, I can honestly say that sleep won.