It's not the usual "arrive Thursday, leave Saturday" trip. It's truncated because extending it would have added to everyone's chaos. We are all in a very busy period right now.
Very early, as I go out to feed cats (who snub their noses at the introduction of a new cat food, telling us that they are only borderline feral) and to snip the buds, I see that I am leaving so many stalks bare of new buds that by weekend's end, our lily season will be just about over. Is there anything to take their place? Well yes, but not a whole lot. I just don't want to be tending flowers well into late summer or early fall and so I plant very little for this coming period. The garden is nearing its autumnal mess. And frankly, we kind of like it that way.
But this morning, you can still give it to the day lilies!

The enchanting, elusive, ever-beautiful lilies.

(Though it's my enduring love for the phlox flower that really gives explosive color to the fields right now...)

It's a gorgeous day! Simply stunning! Breakfast on the porch...

And then puff! I hop on the bus and I'm off!
There isn't a lot that I'll post from the Chicago end of the day. Because of the shortness of the visit, I do not want to devote many waking minutes to photos, let alone text. Still, as I arrive in the city, I have a little downtime before picking up little Primrose at school. I head for La Colombe coffee shop.

I used to think that living close to a good cafe was luxuriously essential. Ed and I hung out at our local one several times a week. Total regulars. I've shied away from that in recent years. Don't know why. But when I travel, even just to Chicago, I feel the guilty pleasure again: a coffee, an ear toward the conversation at the table next to mine (their talk is so New Age!), a glance outside...

And finally, Primrose. She is the ever delightful, ever changing child, showing off her big girl ways at every turn. (Her teachers love to pigtail the little girl each day...)

Mom's here! Book time.

In the later part of the evening, my daughter and I go out for dinner at Le Bouchon. We'd been there before and I'm sure we'll go again. The restaurant may be the same, but oh, do the years continue to change us both! Just that much more compassion and gentility on my part (I can hope!) and patient wisdom (for sure!) on hers.

The evening, which, just a few days ago felt clammy and hot, now calls for a sweater. It's Friday and people, hanging at bars and eateries, trickle out onto the deliciously cool pavements.
You always hear easy laughter on nights like this. And this is as it should be. For everyone.