Wednesday, December 11, 2019


On this bitter cold morning, my computer (temporarily) died. It was, of course, a significant event because it meant that I would have to devote time to its resurrection. How unfortunate! Our local Apple store is chaos in the off season. It is many multiples of chaos at this time of the year. Still, I go through the steps of finding a slot to have a repair person take a look at it. And Apple directs me to a tech store that is actually a stand alone shop, rather than an offshoot of the tech giant.

This is a fantastic outcome! Never again will I go and push my way toward the Genius Bar at Apple (if you've had to do it, you'll know what I mean). I can work with the tech support in a quiet, gentle setting, where you can get an appointment the same day!

It is an example of how a bad start to a day can flip and become a lesson learnt. And by the way, the fix was simple and pure. I am typing away as if nothing had happened.

There is little reason to go out otherwise. Yes, the skies are blue, but the cold is starting to really penetrate everything. The car takes a long while to warm up. The ground is frozen hard. The cheepers do their one legged stand in a sunny spot, the porch cats huddle on their flimsy little heating pad. It feels like February out there.

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Breakfast preparations -- just before my run to the tech store.

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And in the afternoon, I play with the kids.

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We spend the early evening in the "office."

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Sparrow loves being included in the very serious business of writing and drawing stuff. (Snowdrop is making a case for keeping a flying pig hat I had placed in a pile of Goodwill stuff.)

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And the full winter moon shines brightly on all of us...

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... even on my mom, who is in the hospital again tonight. It's so fortunate that she made the move here from California last year. She may be in a cold climate now, but she is a stone's throw away from where we live. And that's such a good thing.