Tired from hours in flight.
But I don’t mean to sound mysterious. Or, maybe I do, but not to the point where my travels appear insane. Truth is, we (my daughter and I) needed to come here first in order to return to Turkey later in the month. It’s an airfare thing. Don’t ask. Five pages would not be enough.
One foot here, the other in a different world. I have very very vague memories of Istanbul from my travels here as a college kid. I didn’t notice the new construction then. Was I distracted?
We’re spending the night at a hotel that is small and very very modern. Step outside and we are by a mosque that has some years on it. It’s like that here.
We eat dinner on a terrace up above Taksim Square. The view is of Istanbul. In the light of a stunning dusk.
Grilled fish with lemon juice and olive oil. Dried fruits, an espresson and the relief of going back to the hotel room, to sleep off the travel before we take on any more.