A few minutes after seven the sun is already brilliant. (So many tracks!)

The two hens are now both laying almost daily. [Scotch took a long pause all winter long and Butter was an on again, off again girl.]

Oh, that great big beautiful sky!

Breakfast, deliciously in the sun room.

And an early Snowdrop day.
Here's the girl, scrubbed and dressed and ready to play!

I'll share three favorite activities (out of a cast of, oh, about a hundred!):
Trying to figure out what makes the weasel pop and having some doubts about the sanity of the whole thing:

Climbing into her basket of toys.

And staying there.

Learning to jump. When her body fails to shoot up into the sky, she's happy to watch me do it for her.

But sunshine does rule this day and in the afternoon, I take the little girl out on an excursion. Not an outdoor one exactly: we go shopping. For boots. It can get pretty muddy at the farmette come spring time and it strikes me that Snowdrop will need rubbers. Wellies, if you will.

Next door to the shoe store, there is a low key mall. A whole new world to explore.

I propose a pause at a coffee shop. It isn't the best. Both she and I agree on that. (Though she appreciates the rubber duckie that she'd gotten for shopping at the kiddie shoe store.)

Ah, but now comes the treat: the visit to the toy store. Lets just say that I had trouble casting even a glance at the toys. She is so fast!

If I hadn't looked up, I may have missed the moment she decided to leave the store.

It was a beautiful day. Can you tell?