Why do eyes want to default to the closed position during gray and drizzly days? I'm sleepy at wake up time, I'm sleepy in the afternoon. The cheepers are let out late today. The door had gotten stuck shut, sort of like my eyes earlier this morning, and I did not come out to check on them until what must have been way past their breakfast time.

Our breakfast, too, is late. And it isn't that pleasant. Dance had come in to join us on the porch. She'd brought her own meal -- a chipmunk -- and proceeded to tear it apart to the side of the table. It a little bit took the appetite away to watch her do this. We came up with excuses to end the meal quickly.

I weeded a little and yawned a lot. The bugs were out and I stepped on an ant hill and so the idea of spending a productive set of hours outside dwindled and fizzled and finally I gave up on weeding and came inside.
I may have given in to a nap, but I have all these tomatoes to scrub, trim and freeze. I have to say, it's a lot more fun to pick them out in the open fields than to stand over the kitchen sink and attend to them there. We overdid the picking. We haven't the room for them in the freezer chest (see yesterday's post) and I'm left wondering if we should eat tomato everything for the next three weeks, or if I should cook them down to a sauce, or if I should once again empty out the freezer and insist on some kind of new order, where nothing that stays in it is more than ten years old.
Never mind, I'll attend to the rest of the tomatoes tomorrow. Today, I have a dinner to prepare. First though, a cup of coffee!
The young family comes and I suspect it may rain and so we eat in the kitchen.
Minutes before they came, I learned that it is grandparents' day today. I told the kids they have to let me take a good photo of them. They gave me many. I like this one -- Snowdrop is holding a book she wrote, Sparrow has his default expression -- a face full of giggles and laughter.

"Hey, what about me?? I can laugh!"

After dinner unwind....

So the dishes are put away, Ed and I watched the last (terrible) episode of a (wonderful) series we'd picked up on Netflix and I have finally the freedom to indulge those sleepy eyes.
Except --- I'm not sleepy anymore!
Go figure.