I tell the baby chicks: be glad we're not chasing you out yet! It's a mean world out there! They truly look a little shaken by my words. Perhaps the weather has put an edge to my speech.

Breakfast is deliberately not in the sun room. Why even bother pretending! It's a terrible weather day!

On the upside, isn't it the case that a terrible spring start will make for a warm season's middle? By the law of averages, we need to climb high to make up for this disastrous plummet into a chilly world of ice and wet snow (we're supposed to get that wet snow tonight).
Too, it's delightfully decadent to stay home and do nothing that requires physical effort. Normally, we avoid such horrible laziness, but today, it is a given that the only outdoor time will be time required to get to the car -- first, to vote and then to pick up Snowdrop.
She is prepared! She has her umbrella!

At the farmhouse, we move from one activity to the next, never once giving much thought to the weather outside.
(A Snowdrop story is like a field of daffodils ready to bloom...)

(Giving Pepper a bit of human contact...)

(They're so small and cute, Gaga!)

(Exercise = swinging on the treadmill bar...)

(The baby chicks clamor to get a boost from us so that they can rest at the edge of the box...)

And by evening, the rain and the ice turn to a delicate snow and you just have to shake your head and wonder what's next.

It's a beautiful day -- to be indoors, away from it all.