I have my limits! A week of les medecins? No way! I cancelled my appointment for today and baked a blueberry thyme lemon cake instead. (I am not a total jerk: I cancelled it earlier in the week to free up the slot.) Lesson learned: one (in a week) is fine, two is tolerable, three is pushing it, four is crazy, five? Forget it. I'm staying with three this week!
It's a hazy morning, with a promise of some solid hours of sunshine. Just above freezing. Not bad for January! In fact, a tad worrisome: when you live in Wisconsin, you may not always get good skiing snow, but you're guaranteed good ice for skating in January. Not this year.
Here's our lovely hen, foraging among my flowers, enjoying the bits of old lavender and dried asters.
And here's Ed, taunting me by encouraging Dance to join us for breakfast.
And here's lunch!
Before I pick up the girl at school, Ed and I scoot out for a quick walk in our park, just to zap in some Vitamin D and to keep my do better ball rolling.
On the walk, we discuss whose fault it was that we never switched out the gas stove this summer. I thought it was mine, he believed it was his. Haha! Actually quite the reverse.
It is, of course, a huge project. As he listed the steps involved (and note that each step is tedious and risky because all systems may fail and we'll be stuck without gas or even electricity for a while -- hence the need to do this in summer), I once again committed to helping move it along. Electric and induction. Eventually. This spring! Right after I get a new knee!
At the farmhouse after school, Snowdrop brought out my least favorite of her books to read.
After putting up with thirteen gross chapters, I leave her to continue on her own, and turn to searching the web for new, inexpensive hiking shoes for myself (mine are millions of years old and are splitting at the seams). You'd think they'd have great sales now -- who hikes trails in the winter! Oh, I guess we all do, now that there is no more snow for skiing.
(an unusual January treat: cherries!)
In the evening, Ed and I settled into our leftover frittata. It isn't my best: overcooking it for ONE MINUTE, can destroy the texture (and therefore flavor). I did that yesterday. Luckily, my beloved eating companion puts up with cooking snafus. And, to my credit, I labored hard with creative salads tonight to compensate for the rather dry egg/spinach/mushroom/cheese dish.
An ordinary day. With very sweet moments sprinkled throughout!