If you were once a child, then there was a mother in your life, however briefly, ephemerally, devotedly or distractedly she may have been involved in your upbringing. We celebrate her efforts and the fact that you are here because of her. Of course, many choose to celebrate because they are themselves now mothers -- and that's grand too! Mother's Day is a very inclusive holiday and I love it for its generosity of spirit!
Here at the farmhouse, we treat it as we would any Sunday: there's house tidying, there's garden work. It's a pretty day -- the kind that Ed likes, though even he admits that our taking breakfast outside was a bit of a stretch. Still, we do it!

The farmette lands reveal something new each day, and this is what they will do for us from now until fall. Every morning walk has that element of surprise. Oh, so it's you today!

We can put the tomatoes into the ground (no more nights below 50F or 10C) (I hope) and Ed and I both work on that, though he does ten to each of mine. I'm fussing about weeds and also working in the kitchen. There's Sunday dinner to think about and today's should be a little special, no? So I peal the better shrimp and I bake a beloved brownie and I think -- yeah, brownies were the very first item that I baked by myself when I was a kid. And still, it takes a lifetime to improve on your very first brownie effort! Just as it takes a lifetime to "raise" a child, if raising means growing alongside her. Or him. In my case, two of hers. And their little ones.
So, there are today's celebrations...
(on FaceTime)
(in real time)
... and there will be some more Mother's Day rumination next weekend, I'm sure of it, and it's all so very lovely because really, mothering takes up so much of your mental space that when the day comes where you can let go just a little and relax in your efforts -- well, that's just sublime.
(Real time)

I hope you too felt some feeling of satisfaction or had a moment to reflect on how you grew as a child to a mother, or how you grew as a mother, or how you flourished at the hands of someone who performed those tasks with you, or near you and who made you into the better person you are today.
Happy reflecting! Happy Mother's Day.