There's so much we shouldn't be doing right now! This is where frustration mounts: just when the list of no-nos was receding (I got a hair cut! I shopped for wine in person!), things took an abrupt turn and now the list is getting awfully long again. No travel no indoors no this no that. And I agree with it. Protecting ourselves, our kids, our communities -- you need to sacrifice.
On the other hand, one may well lose sight of the fact that the list of pleasurable things that we can do, easily, safely (especially if you are vaccinated), has grown exponentially since last year. I can hike on a trail with other people on it and not feel I have to step off to keep my distance when someone passes. (I'll flip up my mask instead, or, if it's a breezy day -- do nothing at all!) I can meet up with my daughter and her girl for a Saturday breakfast in a coffee shop. Outside, but still, it's wonderful! We poked our noses into a kid shop. I could go on.
And of course, it's not just the pandemic that stands in the way of some activities. Right now, we have a surge in the mosquito population. That means that our county park up the road is pretty much off limits for the rest of the summer season. Too, the lakes are polluted and smelly. You can't swim in them. You can't really enjoy a walk by them either. Yuk.
What's a person to do??
I thought about this today as we woke up to thunder and rain. Well, that's okay. Always good to have water in the garden. I went out to feed the animals when things settled down outside a little, but still, it was gray and wet.

And then it cleared! I need to get some movement back into my day, but what? One thing that I am now avoiding is any walk along a rural road. I am convinced that on these empty roads, people drive especially recklessly, with their eyes on their devices, not really paying attention to the occasional walker. Too, the sound of a passing car is disturbing. You can't really lose yourself in a meditative moment when someone speeds past you. So what's a person to do?
Well, have breakfast and reflect on how pretty the world is right now, despite everything.

Then plot a strategic walk where you can feel at peace with nature despite the impediments. And I did just that. Thanks to the new development, we have ample bike trails crisscrossing the prairies cultivated to the north of us. I went out and followed these empty paths, doing a full loop -- an hour's walk -- and seeing not a single vehicle or even passerby the entire route. Just fields of prairie, wetlands and eventually the occasional tree.

I tried hard to be more mindful of every growing thing around me. Appreciative of its effort. I took a pause to breathe alongside a grove of pines, hoping to convey gratitude. I looked at dancing dragonflies and swooping swallows. It was hot, but it was beautiful!
And now it's evening and I know what I still must avoid: popcorn. Want to share some Cheddar Cheese Smiles?