Most of us try to limit waste. Kids wear lots of hand-me-downs from sibs, they're taught to love the library, we're careful with our trash. Small things, but they add up. Still, the temptation to stray -- to buy cheap stuff, to throw away, to hop in the car for everything -- can be strong. You have to lecture yourself occasionally to do better. I suppose I had one of those "try to do better" days today.
My morning starts with garden work and there's quite a bit of it to do. I had let things go just a little and I needed to catch up.
I took a few garden photos, understanding that these may well be the last carefully composed ones for the season.

Why? Well, because my camera is struggling right now. There are three malfunctions, some more pressing than others. It needs to go away for a few weeks for an overhaul. It was so tempting to trade it in for a newer model! The outlay wouldn't be huge -- used cameras still command a great price if they work well and come with a warranty (I always have extended warranties on these guys). But the fact is, when fixed, this camera will once again be just fine for me. I am rough on all cameras (even though I try not to be!). I always wear one around my neck, even though it's heavy. Daily use, knocks and bumps -- they take their toll. May as well stick with the older model. It's good enough.

Breakfast, on the porch. Leftover muffins -- still good, even though any true muffin baker will tell you that these little gems have a very short shelf life. You should bake them on the day of consumption. Well, I heated the old one and it was fine!

In the afternoon, I packed up my camera. Time to take it to the UPS. It's not that far from here -- a couple of hills, a handful of turns and you're there! Maybe ten minutes by car.
Or maybe I should bike over? Gardening isn't very tough these days. I could use the heavier exercise. The car could use a rest. Half an hour moderately fast bike riding each way -- no big deal, right?
I bike. And it feels so good! The hills aren't unmanageable, the air is cool, the breeze -- magnificent! And there's no heavy camera around my neck. That one is strapped with bungee cords to the back of the bike. In a box. Ready for UPS.
So what happens now? I had crossed my fingers that the camera would (more or less) function until I passed my daughter's birthday, and it did. But surely I don't want to give up on pics for the next three weeks! Ah, there is always the dinky backup one I used to take on longer trips. But the more likely candidate is my phone. So many excellent photographers use phones for spur of the moment picture taking. Time to reach for mine when the moment calls for it!
Evening. What's for dinner? Well, we have all these leftovers! Bagels from Sunday brunch. Chicken fingers from the kid dinners on our Saturday night out. A couple of ears of corn. A few pieces of smoked salmon. Soup from last week. Normally I would scoff at some of this stuff: older bagels can be tough to love. Chicken fingers from the childrens' menu too is a culinary stretch. But in fact, in that list of foods, we can scrape together an excellent lunch and a reasonable dinner. Cut up the chicken fingers over a salad with chopped up tomatoes and you really do have something very yummy.
I'm not as perfect at clearing the fridge of leftovers as Ed is. At some point I'll say -- that's just too old! But at least I've come to the point where I'll try to imagine a better way to serve something still fresh if not exactly recently prepared. It can be a challenge, but honestly, it feels good to look for a better way to manage your day. You do your bit and at some point it becomes second nature to not waste. Maybe even to be an Ed, who'll tell me: just take off the moldy part and eat what's underneath. Honestly, it's got tons of flavor!