The day lacked sun. That winter grayness set in. It was expected. As is the ice rain for tonight. Weather today should be ignored. Everything else proceeded smoothly and with charm.
Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. More than ever, they define the day. Put contours to it.
The sun tries to break through. Momentarily. I seize the minutes and head out for a brisk walk "around the block." The air feels cold in its dampness. In anticipation of that icy drizzle tonight. An unexpected warm up, but not warm enough to break the long spell of below freezingweather.
On the bright side of things, I want to say that there is breakthrough in the case of the orchid plants! I've had these babies for years and in recent times, they've not bloomed. This year, they're finally coming around again. As if to say -- we know our home is here. We can relax now. Not hold back. We're content.
And, too, it is a wonderful day of 'almost retirement.' Yes, I'm still reading papers and exams, but I'm doing it slowly. Contemplatively. No hurry now. None whatsoever.