It's a hazy-sunny day and Ed, from his reclining position (he is still a sick guy) proposes a walk. I try to use my most gentle voice as I respond -- Ed, it is almost dusk and I have yet to sit down and check the headlines in the newspaper. A walk does not fit into my catch-up day.
And then I recoil: what have I just done? Put off hearty walk on a day that is so very pleasant (for November), knowing that in two days we're getting both a snow storm and an Arctic blast?

I am incorrigible. I may as well forget a New Year's resolve promising myself a fitful, healthy approach to the everyday. I'm failing in my practice run: I have made no significant changes to the way I move through the day. I am a fitness loser.
Well, maybe not too late. As the sun nears the horizon, I ask Ed -- want to walk?
He's asleep.
I go out for a quick saunter alone.

In the evening, there is a holiday party at a downtown hotel ballroom, for the employees and employers of the company that bears Ed's imprint. Over the years, the firm has grown and the number of people I know has shrunken. Nevertheless, a good life's partner shares in the ritual of attending holiday parties.
I am not a good life's partner. And I am encouraged to be a not-good-partner by Ed: if you're tired, you don't have to go.
Have you ever had this kind of discussion with your sweetie?
Me: you mean you don't care if I go or not?
Him: that's right. If you want to stay home, you should stay home.
Me: you *don't care?*
Him: I do care! I just think you should decide what's best for you.
Me: so you would like me to go?
Him: I did not say that.
We go around like this for a while, several times in the course of the day. The fact is, I love a good party! Just not on a cold night in winter, with people whom I only know in passing, and after a busy catch-up day.
Still, I haven't a meal planned for the day, the people are sure to be jovial and nice....
Sometimes you just have to brave the cold and head out.
(And coming home afterwards always feels so good!)