Saturday, May 30, 2020

Saturday - 78th

Life is very intense right now. It's as if your emotions follow two tracks, parallel but running in opposite directions. On the one hand, there is the constant sense of loss, exacerbated by tumultuous events coming at you from every corner, but then, equally strong is the perception of total beauty in the world of nature and of course in the goodness of very many people, giving so much of themselves every single day. It's all incredibly potent!

No wonder then that your own feelings  are running at levels you don't normally expect in yourself. An example: last night, Ed and I watched the next episode of the British crime drama we're currently hooked on (DCI Banks). I'd binge watch it into the night, but Ed insists we limit it to one per day! As I think I mentioned, quite unexpectedly, there arose a love interest in the series, and last night it came to a sort of fruition. I was so happy for them! Happy for these two fictional characters who were written to acknowledge deep feelings for each other. Like a kid, I was clapping my hands and bouncing with joy. For something that is so unabashedly fabricated to keep you watching. I mean, really! What am I, a teenager?

Intense, I tell you.

Because of the beautiful weather, Ed and I spent most of the day working hard outside. We chipped the edge of the front flower field, we created planting spaces along the path for more wildflowers, I transplanted, he weeded and hauled. When you work this long and this hard, at the end of the day you feel a lot younger than you really are. You're seemingly limber. You're willowy and spry. And you get a lot done!

We did take pauses. Animal feeding of course. Throughout the day.

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Breakfast for us as well.

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And we took a drive down to the Flower Factory (it's such a pretty drive!)...

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... for a curbside pickup of two more day lilies (don't ask) and two big lavender bushes. And of course, there was another pickup -- of our CSA veggie box. Good stuff: asparagus (we're swimming in it and it is heavenly!), spinach, arugula, baby bok choy, radishes, sautee greens, baby turnips, green garlic and something called Egyptian walking onions which honestly look like regular ol' green onions. And no, they don't walk.

With all those greens, it's time to do a stir fry. Witch chicken this time and a head of cauliflower, all cut up,

Finally, here's a special photo from today's garden: the first blooming day lily!

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It is for me, for Ed too, the undisputed reminder that life can be insanely complicated, but so very beautiful, all at the same time.