At this time of the year, I see the proliferation of so called Christmas flowers: the Christmas cactus, paper whites, amaryllis -- often thought of as a lily, a Christmas lily, even though it has no relation to a true lilium. I like them, but they each present a challenge: the Christmas cactus often chooses to bloom in November or March, so you have to be vigilant and manipulative to get it to flower in December. The paper whites can grow tall and keel over. The Amaryllis has both problems: hard to time a bloom and it can plop down if it's tall and unsupported.
This year, I replaced my ancient Christmas cactus and sure enough, the new one is entering a period of full bloom early. By Christmas it may well be done for the season.
Still, it's an easy care burst of color at a time when it's hard to find much color in growing things. So, thanks, little plant on the kitchen table!
And speaking of plants, I am back to adjusting the Christmas tree. It's a never ending project! I bet you didn't notice that I doubled the lights today. That's okay, I noticed. Much better. I'm still waiting for the twig star for its top. Maybe this weekend.

And one more comment on the subject of color: I finally took on the holiday project of baking cookies with the kids. (We have a baking date set for tomorrow.) I resisted it in the past for the very simple reason that others were happy to bake with them. This was just fine with me: I don't like baking things that I dont find yummy and cookies with lots of sugar and glaze and color always seemed to me a bit over the top. Shhh! Dont tell the kids I said that.) But I was intrigued by a recipe for sugar cookies that promised a good taste (by Alison Roman in the NYT). Fine, let's do it! I supplied myself with "natural dyes" and sprinkles and sugars that didn't list ingredients you'd be terrified to ingest. I'm not a fanatic about this stuff -- I eat plenty of junk with suspect ingredients when I'm out and about or traveling. What you don't see wont hurt you! But if I'm going to be the baker here, I prefer to use stuff that hasn't been grown mostly in a laboratory.
My errands this afternoon included finding a bake shop where I could find naturally dyed red sprinkles. (Please stop laughing at me... we all have our ridiculous moments!)
While on the subject of sweet stuff -- I also made my second and final visit to Clasen's bakery, and no, I don't care what they put into their chocolate covered gingerbread -- it's all good! (Why final trip? Well, the chocolate covered gingerbread can really break your budget. But, it's a December luxury that I love.)
I then picked up Snowdrop and we went shopping for her mom's Christmas present. She'd been bugging me about it for many days. So we went and no, you can't see or hear what she got. We are full of secrets! (One tiny hint, we are in a store that has a Christmas tree in it.)

Then farmhouse, and their house, and farmhouse once again. That's the routine.
(wrap present)
(at home, take one)
(at home, take two)
... Even as Ed is grumbling with his most grinch-like expression (too much clutter: it interferes with his peace of mind). No matter. I'll never change. I'll always love the lights on a Christmas tree.
(Early Ocean readers: Blogger fixed picture loading glitch! I filled in the missing pics this morning.)