And again I am out at Steffi's House with a hose, running water on its weird U-Shaped lawn because I promised that the one thing I'd do would be to take care of the plantings and it struck me later that plantings does include lawn -- that awful thing that defines and encircles single family homes in much of America. And I do this right around noon because that is the only spare block of time that I have today. So, wasted water on top of everything else. To add to the ridiculousness of it all, I only manage to get through half of the U shape, it would be a shame -- because the damn thing is all dry and probably half dead, except I then go home and look at the weather forecast and sure enough! There is a storm system slated to come at us tonight. I marvel at this: every time I break down and go there to water, we have rain a few hours later.
Well, no matter. It was a good day anyway, because:
1. The walk to feed the animals was pretty. Some of the phloxes gave out a second bloom and they looked really lovely this morning.

2. I did not eat breakfast at home (well, except for the fruit)...
... but I did eat it with my friend, at Madison Sourdough.

This was especially grand today because what I really really needed was time over a beverage with a friend. When you have drama in your life, nothing takes the place of that and it was handed to me on a platter as my good friend "just happened" to be in town when the need arose.
3. When I did stand there with that hose, I contemplated the ridiculousness of it all. Of what, you ask? Well, all of it -- the decisions we make, the directions we choose, the seriousness we bestow to trivial events -- so uniquely human to proceed in the way we do! Here I was, watering a lawn in a house that is not even one I'm inhabiting, instead of, say, reading or writing a book, and yet I am not unhappy. Quite the contrary. I put my phone in my pocket and put on my "travel" playlist and the sun is warm (thus sucking up most of the water I'm spraying but oh well) and maybe I should be giving some thought to the "scattering ceremony" next week that we're holding for my mom, but I'm not doing that at all. Just standing there with water and music and sun with a feeling of utter peace. Weird, no?
4. In the afternoon I get the kids and we go to the local market. They now demand this (in a polite fashion, of course). Something about this wee market really strikes their fancy. And today we hit gold. They have horse wagon rides. And kid art project tables. And ice cream. In addition to all the other favorite baked items and of course, cheese curds and Natalie's tomatoes. Here you go, market photos!

5. And in the evening, I do not return to finish the other half of the U shaped lawn because I know now that it will rain, so I'm back at the farmhouse, reheating chili and sitting next to Ed who is still under the weather, but, too, he is learning how to read and interpret MyChart information from his ER visit (so much new information to google and learn about!). We are happy.
That's it: a ridiculously uneventful and peaceful and thus happy day.
with love...