I did not begin the morning with writing a blog post.
I did not go for a morning walk. I ran instead and on a different path.
I immediately mailed a package that had to go out east.
I went shopping for a gift. You have no idea how hard it is to get myself to do that.
Thankfully, we have Little Luxuries on State Street. Still, what to get...
No, I think I found something better. All wrapped up now. Only it doesn't quite fit in Mr. B's pouch.
(BTW, I seriously think disloyal Mr. B has a crush on that red thing there, in the photo. He's looking all modest and shy, but really, I think it's all about her now. Ah well, he'll come crawling back when Ms. Crimson turns up her red nose and heads in the opposite direction)
The entire time I was in my office I did not turn on the computer.
On the way home I did not pick up a bottle of wine for dinner.
I took out all the mail from the mailbox, not just the stuff that looked potentially interesting.
I even opened mail that had little windows on the envelope.
I broke down with my habit breaking resolve when the afternoon light started fading. You guessed it, I biked down, as usual, for this:
a late latte