Fruit... Do you suppose you could also give me a hair trim?
I can't say no to the guy -- not today, not on a departure day. We eat quickly.

I cut hair. And I tell him -- I set the first mouse trap of the season in the basement. Bingo! We have our first victim!
Yes, we're moving fast toward winter.
It's unfortunate that I have the addition of the bus ride to Chicago, but my flights were booked with Ed's miles and this connection was all that was left. (At least I get a fairly nice view of the city in a haze upon take off...)

I use the travel time to think: about my destinations. About my three girls. About my guy with the quickly trimmed hair. About my Great Writing Project, which is again picking up steam and needs my attention in the week before me. It seems I can never have weeks of nothing to do.
My flight is to Detroit and then to Paris. I'm not actually staying in Paris, at least not at this end of the week, but this is my travel destination for now. As always, posting times will be scrambled. For now, for now, all is on schedule, all is well.