Nothing is as uplifting as having passersby offer help as I walk the five blocks from the metro to the apartment, determined to make it without losing my grip.
At the corner, a man is selling flowers.
There are many, many same sex couples in this neighborhood and I smile at seeing one carrying flowers with his right hand while clinging to the arm of his partner with the other. Sadly, public expressions of connection and caring are rare in this country, except among those with public permission to physically reach for another (a child, a young lover). Arms entwined, hands held across all ages and genders – I associate this with Europe, not here.
Friendly. This set of blocks has people who are more curious, more chatty than anywhere I’ve seen in an urban setting. Even Madison seems aloof by comparison. It could be the weather. It makes you stop and take notice. How about that! Sunshine! And BTW, that’s an awfully spiffy looking camera. I remember going to buy a camera several years back…
Friendliness, curiosity – these are good things. Sunshine, flowers, scenes of caring. Springtime.