Wednesday, September 06, 2017

with a little bit of free time...

I'm thinking that with Snowdrop in school until the afternoon, I have enough time to not fall back on any excuses: if I truly want to finish my Great Writing Project, this is the time to do it!

But first, there is the backlog of small stuff to attend to. (Excuses? No! Just me, catching up on life...) For example -- complicated dental appointments. And so immediately after breakfast (again indoors)...

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... I head out for a very protracted dental visit. This, of course, is not an interesting topic for discussion here and still, I learned something today: creativity knows no bounds. Even for those whose work takes them to dentistry. Here's the deal:

I need a crown. On a tooth that is terribly visible. I mean, you can't help but see it. And so my dentist recommends that I travel across town to the place where they create the crowns, so that I can get a "perfect color fitting."

As I wait at this factory of nonwhite crowns for the expert to come up with the perfect match, I look around me. And I notice a poster with photos of teeth with little sketches on them. What is that??

I come closer to study the message on the poster. Well now, did you know that you can have handpainted icons ("tattoos") on your crowns? Anything you want: a favorite dog breed. An American flag. A skull. Anything!

I try to keep an open mind and still, I can't imagine how a tattoo, even a creatively hand-painted tattoo could ever look good on a tooth.

I pick up Snowdrop feeling greatly relieved that the little one hasn't yet the desire nor the ability to tattoo her own teeth.

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She asks for coffee shop today.

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And playground, on this blustery, nearly fall day.

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We were stunned (in a good way) to learn that she had napped in school. Her mood with me was made better for it.

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In the evening, Ed and I settle into the quiet of the farmhouse. It's really cool outside and I almost turn on the heat, but I hold back. We still have summer in our bones.