Well, it's snowing. We expected it -- an insignificant blanket of very wet snow. You wouldn't take out your skis for it, but I'll hand it this much: it's very pretty.

At least for now, in the morning, when I head out to feed the animals.

Not one of our 12 animals (cats and chickens) likes to touch the stuff. Wet and cold on their clawed legs or pink paws. They just want to stay sheltered. This would be less problematic if 1. they all got along and 2. if the farmhouse stayed empty, or with just Ed and me. Every animal here is terrified of visitors and so after spending a luxurious morning on the warm farmhouse vents, they ran like crazy once the young families began to arrive.
I'm doing a farmhouse brunch today. By coincidence, all the menfolk are sequestered in their own bubbles for reasons of work, but everyone else is here. Three women and a brood of kids. And it is lively and lovely.
And there is a sacher torte (you know this cake, right? -- almonds, apricot jam, chocolate). This was my one surprise for the-day-after-Christmas dinner: the original sacher torte from Demel's in Vienna. I used to bake these fairly regularly, but this time I really wanted to try one that claims to be the real deal. Except it did not come on time. In fact, it was five days late. That's late enough for it to start drying out. Still, I figured it would be fine for brunch, with a cup of milky coffee.

Other brunch foods? Croissants, held over in the freezer. Breads, also rebaked, honey cake from my last trip to Madame's honey shop. That's the doughy stuff. Bacon and Norwegian salmon for protein. And cheeses -- a Swiss one, a Wisconsin one, and the beloved Baby Bells for the littlest kids. Eggs, not farmette ones because the hens are not laying this winter. Or if they are, we have no idea where. A fruit dish that is huge, but which is emptied out twice as I restock it. And cheese sticks and the sacher torte. All easy stuff, but it does take a couple of hours to throw it all together.

They're here! No one is dressed for snow play and in any case, the wetness of the snow is very unappealing, but still, the temptation is there: just to try, for example, the sled. One quick second.

Inside, the five cousins have a really good dynamic by now. Sometimes the older kids band together, other times, the three girls group over a shared interest, and every once in a while all five join forces.
These guys really love each other -- a mutual affection and acceptance that is handed down from these wonderful daughters of mine...

We eat.

They play some more. We take a "with grandma" picture.

And then it's time to take the young ones home for naps. One quick walk! -- plead the older three. Fine. All of you. Go take a walk!

(Wait up for the little one!)

(The magnificent five!)

In the later afternoon, we gather again, this time at my older daughter's home. There, the older kids find the requisite snowpants and finally, they are given unfettered time to romp outdoors.

Only after they get thoroughly wet and romped out do they come inside.
(look who's up!)


And dinner? Well, my son-in-law has some Estonian lineage and he has taken to cooking up an annual dinner for all of us which we call (with a large degree of enthusiasm) our Estonian Christmas. The dishes he prepares are all straight out of the Estonian kitchen. A pork roast, barley with mushrooms, scalloped potatoes, followed by a fantastic currant meringue cake.

Our Christmas season began on Thanksgiving weekend with an outing to the Christmas tree farm, followed by the evening tree trimming. All of us, at my daughter's house. It ends tonight, also at my older girl's home, also with all of us there. In between -- all those weeks of planning, shopping, cooking, with a birthday stuck in the thick of it (Juniper's!), and a Nutcracker outing, and lots of music thrown in, because my playlist is so long and I do not ever tire of it. But of course, the joy is in these gatherings. The conversations. With the kids, most of the time off playing, in the background, though sometimes demanding our attention, because, well, some of them are still so young even though some of us are getting to be so .... less young!
Together, on these beautiful days of December.
(Back at the farmhouse, one last look at the tree...)

A thrilling set of days. Absolutely the best!
with so much love...