And so it was no surprise that the snowdrops were now joined by crocuses.
We walked the Minuteman Trail, my daughter and I. Out of Cambridge, past the Spy Pond…
…past Arlington, sharing the path with bikers, hikers and scooter riders. It’s too early to see even hints of green.
But, I swear I saw plump buds on a magnolia tree. And of course, the ground bulbs have moved beyond the green bud stage. Boston may have tumultuous days of storms and cold weather, but it never gets as freezing, never as bone chilling cold as in Wisconsin. The growing season on the coast of Massachusetts, therefore, starts just that much earlier. Lucky dogs. I would welcome a few weeks more of flowering bulbs and shrubs back home.
In the evening, feeling well centered from the Yoga and well exercised from the hike, we set out for the city’s best pizza (Cambridge,1, off of Harvard Square) and then we did what would normally be a summer thing – we walked over for ice cream at Christina's (off of Inman Square).
For me to eat ice cream outdoors, after the sun has long set, I have to have reached a level of internal warmth that is solid and trusting. Of course, walking these familiar blocks with my little one at my side, I have a different take on life than, say, standing on a corner bus stop in Madison, waiting for the heated interior of a salt and mud spattered bus to defrost my own interior.
Monday brings with it a return to the routines of Madison. Pleasant, yes, of course, very much so, but sadly far from the Cambridge glow of the week-end there. And of course, predictably, a lot colder.