The coldness and wetness was expected. Predictably, we spent almost no time outside.
A quick walk, an inspection of the late season daffodils out front and tulips out back (it's such a tradeoff! late daffodils aren't lost to spring snows and late tulips aren't of interest to hungry animals and yet we crave those early bloomers -- they give us the much needed colors of early spring!). All's well with them!

... okay, that's enough. Crank up the furnace and eat breakfast inside.

What next? I spend the entire morning at the dentist's. There are many reasons for it (one such reason may be that said doc is very near retirement and this makes him very chatty, as if there is that realization that it's the last time we share updates on our comparably aged grandchildren), but the upshot is that there isn't agreement as to what should happen with this one solitary tooth. It's back to the drawing board. More visits, more consultations. How can one tooth be so complicated?!
Immediately after, Snowdrop's mom drops the little girl at the farmhouse. She is still under the weather and she spends a significant part of the afternoon on the couch...

... first, re-watching Mary Poppins, then chatting lightly with Ed about what's wrong with my car (the shock mount broke and it rattles like crazy).
It's tough to watch kids lose their oomph to illness. Still, Snowdrop is old enough to understand that this too will pass and that for now, rest is her friend.

In the evening, the rains return. One more soak and then we'll look forward to merry May weather again.