You've heard about one uncertainty, of course. My mother's move. That'll likely remain up in the air all month long. Or not. I can't tell. No one can tell.
In the immediate future, we have uncertainty generated by the double winter storm that is to hit Wisconsin pretty darn soon (within hours). It also happens to be the weekend when Snowdrop is to have her kid and extended family birthday party (Saturday) and when Sparrow is to have his Baptism, followed by a rather large friend and family party in his honor (Sunday). People are flying in from the west coast and from the east coast. Others are driving up from Chicago. Will they be lucky and avoid the weather craziness? There is a window of calm today and then on Saturday morning. Will it accommodate all the travelers? Will flights be cancelled? Will the birthday party have to be postponed?
I have no answers. The weather people are telling us that this is more like a March storm than a January event. My head spins with that! The temperatures and wind chills look pretty punchy to me! What's so "March" about this double trouble?
Of course, Ed and I do like winter snow. Nonetheless, the timing of this storm is, for our family, unfortunate. Though I remind myself that this is what family legends are made of! My younger daughter was born on the coldest day of the century, remember?? And Snowdrop too came in on the coat tails of Arctic madness. January births and celebrations are never boring!
Breakfast, just before I run off to do weekly grocery shopping.

The grocery store is crowded. People must be stocking up. I'm supposed to host an informal supper for family and closest friends this Saturday (as in pizza), but the weather is likely to mess with our plans. I can't have more than a dozen people drive out on country roads in a snowstorm. I put things in the cart with some uncertainty. Perhaps we'll shift venues. We're all tracking the storms carefully.
($5 roses; amazing...)

This afternoon, I'm at the farmhouse with just Snowdrop.

It's been a while since she has been here alone and she is full of plans for her time here.

Books come first. It's our routine. Today she has me reading for 90 minutes straight. I stop because my voice is giving out.
She then sets up a game for us -- one we haven't played in ages. But I have to put an end to it very early on. It's getting dark and it's sleeting outside. I want to get her home safely before all hell breaks loose.
Night time. It's quiet outside. There is a full moon behind all those layers of cloud. Wolf Moon. And the menacing winds pick up and as the night progresses, and the ice and sleet turn to snow.