I have another early morning trek out and once again I drag Ed along with me. (That same Ed who stays up late and likes to sleep in even later.) Morning errands deserve companionship!
And afterwards, we make our way to Finca Cafe, where the sun shines with all its wonderfulness and a tree is up and twinkling and the coffee is so very good!

There is an article in the NYTimes today about getting a jumpstart on your New Years resolutions. Didn't I just say that I need to hike more in 2020? According to this piece, you need to get going before your sacred date is thrust upon you.
We head out on our county park trail. Not a long trek, mind you. But at least we're trekking.

(a flooded segment causes us to backtrack)

In the afternoon, the kids are here. December routines? Advent calendars!

Maybe I'm reading things into the kids' behaviors, but it did seem to me that there is a bit of a turning point for them today. Sparrow gained enough physical confidence to chase down his sister for a big hug. And another and another.

She was so surprised and so happy with his effusiveness, that she invited him to dance...

And eventually, to play restaurant.
They were one joyful team for a good chunk of the afternoon!

Evening. Ed and I had an event to attend (one of the environmental causes we like to support), but in the end, we do not go out. Evenings that are slow paced and warm are precious. We did not want to give this one up.