So perhaps you'll have guessed that I am on my way to Chicago. But might you guess why? Let's go back a full year: 365 days ago (meaning on this day last year), I was in Paris, waiting, waiting in a state of utmost anxiety for the news of the birth of my granddaughter. And finally, just as I sat down to a dinner, I got the news that she was out and about and doing well!
In other words, Primrose, claiming her Ocean name after the riotous bloom of primroses in the Luxembourg Gardens just at that very moment, was born a year ago today. I did not see her on the first day of her life, but I made it to Chicago in time to take a peek at her sleeping self briefly tonight. The sweet girl will be celebrating this weekend. But officially, she is one! Happiest of birthdays, little Primrose!
* * *
This morning, I am up early. First order of operations: admire all that's coming up!!

... and, too, admire the beautiful blue sky!

I pick up Snowdrop a little earlier than usual. I have this idea that we should have lunch at Madison Sourdough Bakery. You know, the place with the interesting murals by the parking lot.

She is just a little tired still (Gaga, people say that I am the kind of girl who likes to be carried...), nonetheless, we have a pleasant few minutes eating foods that are heavy on bread and not especially nourishing. I vow to make up for it when we get to the farmhouse!

Since Snowdrop was heavily into books this week, I introduced a couple of chapter series and today's triggered a whole play acting afterwards. Here we are, driving (not too fast, Gogs!) and looking for a missing dog...

Soon after, her father and brother come to pick her up. I do a final bag check before heading out to the bus that will take me to Chicago.
* * *
It's remarkable to be pulling into Chicago while it's still light! Though living on the farmette makes me very keenly attuned to seasonal changes, coming to Chicago once a month is like hop scotching my way through the highlights and peculiarities of each new month. Today, I am just entering the best of the best: the days are longer, the yards are displaying first signs of new growth. Two visits ago, a warm scarf and a wool cap were barely enough to keep the chill away. Today, my jacket is light, open, the cap and mitts are left back home. I'm keeping an umbrella though, because it may well rain.

I come into my daughter's home, take a peak at the sleeping birthday girl, then settle in for a late supper with the young couple.
* * *
A great day is one that has a little of everyone in it. Place it all in the arms of spring and you have something uniquely magnificent! Happy day indeed!