I suppose I brought it on with my morning comment:
How come I'm way stiffer when I get up in the morning than you are?
Ed doesn't hesitate: because you move a lot, but in all the wrong ways. You don't do any good exercise. You're constantly jumping up and down, chasing kids, doing household stuff, so that you wear yourself out without doing anything good for yourself.
This, from a guy who logs in more couch time than any potato that ever crossed my path. Still, Ed does go for weekly challenging bike rides. Up and down hills, over and around, covering distances I regard as extreme. And sometimes he chops down trees. So... am I turning soft?
Alright, let's go for a walk!
I'm about to nap...
Couch potato, I tell you. With an occasional urge to sprint.
It's a warm day and sunny day. Perfect for garden work and yes, I do some of that.
(a lily, against a background of monarda, rudabeckia and phlox)

(the last of the day lilies, the last of the phlox)

Perfect for a late breakfast on the porch.

Perfect for bike riding, or perhaps doing beach yoga, or maybe hiking up and down hills in a county park.
But it's also perfect for thinking great thoughts on the porch or yes, on the couch.
(cats, waiting to be fed)

Tomorrow, we walk! Or bike! Maybe.