It was expected. The only question hanging over us is how much? Surely enough to ski, though of course, there are greater concerns: enough to disrupt the power grid? Enough to knock out the internet? Enough to back up air travel?
For us, so long as we have power, a snow day is beautiful. It's a moment to exhale, because the kids are home with the parents. A disruption for them, as work demands pile up and kids get antsy, but for us, it's a moment to take stock and catch up. And appreciate the sheer beauty of a snow covered landscape.

Breakfast scores high points on the cozy scale. I have leftover croissants with my cherry bourbon jam from the farmers market, my paper white bulbs are blooming, the milky coffee is exquisite (or so it seems -- everything in the kitchen seems exquisite on a snowy day).

(cats at play)

The snow continues all day long and the winds kick in to make it rather fierce out there. Should we go out? We opt for walking the paved blocks of the development to the back of the farmette lands. It's gutsy and gusty and we get wet and our cheeks feel are pummeled by horizontally falling snow.
(looking at the back of the farmette lands...)

In the afternoon I watch the snow, and I organize the household to withstand some comings and goings later in the week. I've learned what I need to do before I take off anywhere if I'm to have smooth transitions on the departure and on the return. I set to it.
And the cats complain about the snow, and the walkway needs constant clearing, and the dusk comes quickly to our household.
My heart is with my good friend tonight. We all struggle with the tough milestones in life, but at the moment hers are at peak levels. Still, I'm reminded of a comment posted to as article in the NYTimes today, responding to the idea that January is the best month because it's full of quiet moments and low expectations after the tumult of December. The commenter noted -- I'm in my 70s and for people my age, every month is the best month! So true. We don't distinguish anymore. To be here with people we love -- this is what makes each day so good...