It's November. Never my favorite month (except for Thanksgiving). Short days, bare trees, cold but without the snow.
And yet, I wake up to a pretty day. The winds blew the kids through their Halloween door knocking, then settled down. It's calm. I like calm. It's a new month. I like beginnings. So... maybe I can like November?
(morning walk)

(morning meal)

I have a quiet weekend before me, but today is rather full. It goes like this: lunch with friends, pick up kids, drop off one at violin, sit down with the other and my daughter for a cup of something, then home. It'll be dark by the time I get back to the couch, which, according to the wise medics, should not be a default place for anyone anyway. I read in the paper what I already know: sitting too much is not good for you. (My watch reminds me to stand up all the time, but who on this planet lives under the fear of a bossy watch?) This will not be a day of sitting too much.
As we approach winter, I think about the treat of having more time indoors (it doesn't have to be sitting down!). In warmer weather, the pull to fix something outside is strong. In winter months, that pull fizzles to nothing. We shovel the paths, feed the animals and then stay inside and that is just such a fine thing! The quiet of a winter room -- I have that to look forward to.
But today, I'm up and running. With my camera, of course.
The lunch is splendid. And beautiful. And I think how a year ago, the two women who are my compatriots today, were part of a long-ago life. I hadn't seen either in several decades. And now here we are, scheduling meals together on a regular basis.

I do need to break off to pick up the kids.
Oh, are they ever spirited and happy. Post-Halloween delight!

The afternoon isn't without bumps. Ed has health issues (kidney stones!) acting up, leading him to cancel the sail that he so wanted this month. And the young families too have had their stresses this week -- some fell sick, some simply had too much on their plate, some simply felt the weight of a chaotic set of days.
And yet...
Ed and I end the day, that first day of November, very well. I bake some pieces of fish, we turn on a show we like (Grand Designs) and it all feels rather fine. A good start to the month! We are grateful.