Cold is relative. A high of 44F (6C) isn't objectively cold, but for us northeners, anxious that we are to get moving with our gardens, it feels chilly. An added ten degrees would help. Or at least a long spell of sunshine. Or both. (This is what you have to remember about April: it can test your patience.)
A brisk walk, a look at the growing gardens, when there was still hope of a sunny morning...

Breakfast, giving up on that sunshine...

And then a retreat to the couch. Not permanently, no, not that. Having bragged to a doc person yesterday that I do solid exercise of some sort every day, I now feel compelled to deliver on that statement, so I take the large heavy duty shovel and transplant a hosta and dig out a bunch of tiger lilies (behind Ed's back: he is the only person I know who is fond of tiger lilies).
But afterwards, I retreat to my spot on the couch. I have an excuse! Two fabulous Zoom calls with friends far and wide. Say hello to the gang in Poland...
... and the awesome twosome down south...
A real social day! But on the couch. And interspersed with arguments with providers about the level of care that my mom needs. Unfortunately, it has come to that. I hate arguments.
Somewhere in those hours I dumped the chicks outside. They are restless. They need something more than a box in the sun room of the farmhouse. Still, we have a couple of frosty nights coming up next week and, too, they're not large enough yet to withstand a cat assault. So we carry them -- outside for the day, inside for the night. Back and forth, like taking children to day care and bringing them home again.
Evening: I reheat chili for dinner. I'm spent. Between phone calls and zoom calls, I've talked more today than I have in many a month. Funny how couch time can wear you out! Even more than heavy duty weeding in the yard. Who would have known...