I don't pause for breakfast here. I'm up and walking the familiar blocks to my daughter's home...

There, Primrose is ready!
"And the plan for today is...???"

Let's start with a bath, little girl. That's plenty exciting!

And now my daughter and I finally do pause to eat.
(Breakfast for mommy and grandma!)

"I'm all fresh and ready! Now what??"
Sleep, little Primrose, sleep.

Rest up for all that we have to do today!
Like what? Where to?
Well, there's the trip to the grocery store! And to the Home Depot!
She sleeps through both.

Indeed, she is your model calm baby today. I would like to say that I helped through all the tough times, except there were no tough times. So instead, I made a huge pot of red lentil soup for the family to eat in the days ahead.

... and since there is good music in the background, I dance. With Primrose of course.

The girl is unmoved by my clumsy steps. It is her nap time and she isn't going to fight it. From my embrace, to her mommy's...

And in the early evening, I leave. By the time I reach my Robey room, the sky is transitioning from blue to golden gray.

It's a beautiful day to be in Chicago! Or Madison! It's such a shame that I can't keep one foot in each place at all times...