Well, that was a surprise! The expectation was that we'd get between 2 and 5 inches. By early morning there seemed to be a good half a foot of snow and the stuff was still coming down.
It made for a beautiful morning walk around the farmette lands.

Breakfast is cozy, in the way that it can only be when the weather outside is indeed frightful.

In normal times, Saturday isn't a day for the kids to be here, but these are not normal times. My daughter's pregnancy gets in the way of boisterous play and both she and her husband are forever scrambling to fit work time into their schedule. So I offer to play with the kids outside today and of course, the farmette provides so many opportunities to really go snow crazy.
But it's heavy snow! Clearing paths is an effort. There, done! Just in time for their arrival.

(In the mudroom -- I take off his boots, he admires my winter produce basket.)

We play a little inside first -- time to decorate the fridge!

And fortify ourselves with lunch.

And now it's time to put on all that stuff that makes it possible to let yourself go wild in the snow!
(Come on, Gaga!)

There are obstacles. Snowdrop is convinced that she can make snowballs with her jacket standing in for mittens (why dont you use your mittens? I don't want to get them wet!), Sparrow has great difficulties walking in the deep snow, and Gogs -- well, I'm not wearing snow pants. The opportunities for getting clobbered by snowballs thrown by a determined little girl are huge!
The pleasures far outweigh the obstacles.

Snowdrop outlasts Sparrow by far. At some point he plunks himself in the safety of the sled and tells me: I want to watch. Eventually I usher him inside.
But Snowdrop lives up to her nickname: on this snowy day, she is all smiles all the time.

And, of course, I remain a great target for all those snow balls!

It's a beautiful day to be outside in south-central Wisconsin! We were in the bull's eye for the snow storm. What an incredible way to start getting serious about winter!
(A little time to dry out inside...)

And then I drive them home.

(And home again...)

(A few minutes with the cats... They pay us a visit every now and then. They're curious about our life inside, behind the big glass door...)

Fine, so I did not catch up with holiday preparations today. Somehow I don't think the holidays will suffer as a result!