Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Different worlds, different visions
Every once in a while I have days like this: an early morning seminar to conduct downtown at the Department of Justice and a late seminar to finish the day back at the Law School. Two Madisons, the Government/Courthouse on one side and the University on the other, staring, often glaring at each other, disconnected, both resenting decisions emanating from one sphere and affecting the other.
Which world voted for Kerry? Which for Edwards? I don’t think we have that one figured out yet. In fact, I read in one post-election survey (the Times maybe, but in all honesty I don’t remember) that fewer than a third of Wisconsinites voting for Edwards were “angry” at Bush, whereas fully 50% of those supporting Kerry were. What does that mean for the future months? What does that say about the Democratic constituents? I thought everyone was angry. Up here, in the “towers” of Bascom Hill, it seems that way. But we are so removed, sitting here on the other end of State Street, transfixed, glaring at the government, holding out hopes for change.
Which world voted for Kerry? Which for Edwards? I don’t think we have that one figured out yet. In fact, I read in one post-election survey (the Times maybe, but in all honesty I don’t remember) that fewer than a third of Wisconsinites voting for Edwards were “angry” at Bush, whereas fully 50% of those supporting Kerry were. What does that mean for the future months? What does that say about the Democratic constituents? I thought everyone was angry. Up here, in the “towers” of Bascom Hill, it seems that way. But we are so removed, sitting here on the other end of State Street, transfixed, glaring at the government, holding out hopes for change.
The Octopus: friend or foe?
A reader wrote to tell me that she is considering never washing her car at Octopus Car Wash again, due to her recent discoveries about the beastly nature of the animal. She was searching the Net for the Car Wash and came across this website, written by a person who once, too, was loyal to our friendly Octopus on old University Avenue. You wont regret reading it. It may save your life. Evil lurks inside that cute rounded head and the helpful arms wiping down your windows.
More on Bush’s meeting with Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
In the post below I noted the defining event of GWB’s day – a meeting with Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. I have since read reports of that encounter and I must say I misjudged the situation: apparently there weren’t any weighty issues to discuss, nor did the meeting require much preparation on the part of GWB. The rule is: when in doubt as to what to say to the Tunisian president, talk about gay marriage.
From CNN:
"I strongly believe marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman," Bush said during an Oval Office session with Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. "I am troubled by activist judges who are defining marriage."
Can you just imagine poor President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali during this? What message will he take back to his people in Tunisia? Maybe: “The President of the United States assures us that marriage should be defined as between man and woman. The policy implications for us remain unclear. We will study this message and let you know, once we come to an understanding of what this means for our country.”
From CNN:
"I strongly believe marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman," Bush said during an Oval Office session with Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. "I am troubled by activist judges who are defining marriage."
Can you just imagine poor President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali during this? What message will he take back to his people in Tunisia? Maybe: “The President of the United States assures us that marriage should be defined as between man and woman. The policy implications for us remain unclear. We will study this message and let you know, once we come to an understanding of what this means for our country.”
Calendar boys
No, this isn’t heading where you’re thinking. I was simply curious what the candidates (the democratic pack of 5 + GWB) were up to today. Looking at their calendars is always illuminating, though today seems to be a slow day for most – not surprising, given the zeal of campaigning before yesterday’s important primary. But wait, were all campaigning? Perhaps the one on that list who has already secured a place on the (republican) ticket is especially busy, given that he does hold down what is thought to be a demanding job. Let’s take a look at where they’re at today (from CNN’s “Inside Politics” page):
Howard Dean
In Vermont -- Dean will hold an "event" in Burlington at 1 p.m. where sources say he'll announce he's no longer campaigning actively for president.
John Edwards
In Washington and New York -- Edwards has private events in Washington and New York and has nothing public scheduled.
John Kerry
In Ohio -- Kerry holds a town hall meeting on jobs and the economy in Dayton at 12:15 p.m. and holds a rally with Democrats in Columbus at 5:30 p.m.
Dennis Kucinich
In Ohio -- Kucinich has a discussion with students at the University of Dayton at 12 p.m. before participating in a labor event in Cincinnati at 7 p.m.
Al Sharpton
In Georgia -- Sharpton holds a news conference at 8 a.m. in Atlanta to announce his endorsement by several Georgia elected officials before attending a fund-raiser at 12 p.m. He attends a march with the United Brothers of Carpenters Union at 2:30 p.m. before attending a rally at Clark Atlanta University at 3 p.m. He attends a fund-raiser in Atlanta in the evening.
George W. Bush
In Washington -- President Bush meets with the President of Tunisia at 11:25 a.m. at the White House.
Well, that can be taxing, right? A brief, pre-lunch meeting with the leader of Tunisia? Much is at stake. Preparing for it, de-briefing afterwards, resting for the next day’s events – juggling all that takes time. And don’t forget travel – from one end of the White House to the next – we know how delays and weather conditions can mess with a tight schedule. Is it time for a “working vacation” in Texas yet?
Howard Dean
In Vermont -- Dean will hold an "event" in Burlington at 1 p.m. where sources say he'll announce he's no longer campaigning actively for president.
John Edwards
In Washington and New York -- Edwards has private events in Washington and New York and has nothing public scheduled.
John Kerry
In Ohio -- Kerry holds a town hall meeting on jobs and the economy in Dayton at 12:15 p.m. and holds a rally with Democrats in Columbus at 5:30 p.m.
Dennis Kucinich
In Ohio -- Kucinich has a discussion with students at the University of Dayton at 12 p.m. before participating in a labor event in Cincinnati at 7 p.m.
Al Sharpton
In Georgia -- Sharpton holds a news conference at 8 a.m. in Atlanta to announce his endorsement by several Georgia elected officials before attending a fund-raiser at 12 p.m. He attends a march with the United Brothers of Carpenters Union at 2:30 p.m. before attending a rally at Clark Atlanta University at 3 p.m. He attends a fund-raiser in Atlanta in the evening.
George W. Bush
In Washington -- President Bush meets with the President of Tunisia at 11:25 a.m. at the White House.
Well, that can be taxing, right? A brief, pre-lunch meeting with the leader of Tunisia? Much is at stake. Preparing for it, de-briefing afterwards, resting for the next day’s events – juggling all that takes time. And don’t forget travel – from one end of the White House to the next – we know how delays and weather conditions can mess with a tight schedule. Is it time for a “working vacation” in Texas yet?
One Wisconsin fish, dinner for 400
A reader reminded me that there is pleasure to be found in spending a winter week-end in northern Wisconsin (as opposed to, say, the desert). In the article she forwarded, I got a sense of the excitement that may be generated by a successful day of spear fishing. Really. (Did you know that the season is only two days long? It started on Saturday and finished on Sunday. If you’re enthused after reading the article and want to try your luck – you have to wait some 360 days to set out with your weapon.)
In case you don’t have time to link, let me just tell you that Lake Winnebago had a winning moment this season. A spear fisherman (of Polish background no less!) caught a 188 pound sturgeon. There are fish like that swimming in Wisconsin lakes? And we send innocent children and dogs to mingle in the water with them? The fisherman, an able bodied 47-year old jailer from the Sheriff’s Office, who is probably used to handling some rough types, could hardly control his catch. Tranquil lake waters indeed! Who knows what remains un-speared down there. Maybe an overweight cousin from the same Wisconsin fish family? Frightening.
In case you don’t have time to link, let me just tell you that Lake Winnebago had a winning moment this season. A spear fisherman (of Polish background no less!) caught a 188 pound sturgeon. There are fish like that swimming in Wisconsin lakes? And we send innocent children and dogs to mingle in the water with them? The fisherman, an able bodied 47-year old jailer from the Sheriff’s Office, who is probably used to handling some rough types, could hardly control his catch. Tranquil lake waters indeed! Who knows what remains un-speared down there. Maybe an overweight cousin from the same Wisconsin fish family? Frightening.
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