Definitely inside. With a blanket on my knees. Just like a real old person!

There is a point at which you give up your search for a missing cat. I guess we haven't reached it yet, because at around noon, when it warmed up enough for me to throw on a hoodie and feel at peace with the weather, Ed and I once more set out to canvas Stoughton -- the place where one of the kitties by accident escaped from her new owner's garage.
This time we walked more broadly: through newer blocks, older neighborhoods, then again in the woods and fields beyond the town's development, calling out for her and shaking a jug of crunchies as we walked along.
We met up with the owner (well, she was just becoming the owner when the accidental release happened) and she told us of her supreme efforts -- in addition to posted signs with cat photos, she has set up a have-a-heart trap with a recorded meowing voice of the sister by it. I think she is more of a believer than we are at this point, but hey, we really appreciate her efforts. And we're happy to hear that Gigi (aka Calico) has bonded well with her. That part of the adoption at least seems to have gone very well.
A few photos for you: of butterflies chasing each other over the meadows just outside town...

And then from our drive home, looking at the fields where our corn farmer keeps a herd of cattle. Very photogenic cattle though I think today it's that great Midwestern sky that captures our attention.

At home, we check out the new orchard. For the flowers...

And the pears. Doing well!

Evening. Cat searching and cooler temps make the appetite soar. How about a double portion of fish in a fresh dill sauce along with new potatoes? And a salad? A very large salad? Even after that, there will be, for sure, room for popcorn.
But it is a sad evening too. Whatever your political convictions, surely you'll be moved by the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And if you are a lawyer, a woman lawyer, a woman lawyer of a past generation, you'll be saddened but also proud to have shared a professional affiliation with this magnificent powerhouse of a person. I surely am that.