Ed, we need to get out and go!
Where to?
No matter. Pick a destination! It’s winter’s best! The day you hope for on all other miserable days up here! We’re out!
Where to?
Let’s rent skis and do a long spin around Blue Mounds! Or let’s drive up to Bayfield and hike along Lake Superior! Let’s go!
Maybe not. I have more than a fair share of work to do. We stay home.
In the afternoon, I can’t take it anymore. Ed, look at that sky – it’s deep blue! It’s been such a long time!
We do what I have done over the years when there has been no time to do much of anything: we head for Owen Woods. It’s a fine park just a quarter mile from here, and it has hiking trails and I know it inside out, and on a day like this, you can take a photo or two that really highlight how brilliant a Madison day can be, come January.
Except – the park is sort of small.
We hike every bit of trail, every loop, and I look at the time and note that only 45 minutes have come and gone since we set out.
Do you want to do it all over again, only in reverse? -- This from Ed. Things look different from the other side...
We climb into his rusty Geo with the pink stripes on the side and head back home. To work.