And I cooked a dinner. But this hardly counts. If you are alive and not incapacitated, you need to forage for food one way or another.
My inclination today was to read. Perhaps writing will win out yet, but honestly, I need to make progress on summer reading or else I'll fall back on 4th grade level vocabulary in my writing. They say most discourse proceeds at about that level of complexity.
In the meantime, enjoy my garden walk with me. You get to savor it without the bugs!
(the Big Bed -- plenty of variety. day lilies are coming in, but there's lots more that catches the eye right now.)

(Dance, are you sure you should be jumping down trees in the late stages of your fat belly pregnancy?)

(I love sweet peas, but most of ours get eaten up by our family of farmette animals. this one was left behind for me to enjoy: small, but pretty!)

(my planting of wild flower seeds was not a great success in that the weeds were faster than the flowers. still, there are exceptions. here's one of them...)

(in honor of the foxgloves of the U.K., here's the last of mine...)

(Happy, being his usual happy self!)

(here's a test: can you tell a day lily (hemerocallis) from a true lily (lilium)? hint: this photo has more of the latter!)

Evening -- offering some of the best light and the most robust bug activity!

Tomorrow, we're on the attack: garlic and peppermint oils. It wont kill the mosquitoes, but it will show them who is boss around here!