Again we stayed well below freezing today. Nevertheless, I felt toasty warm all day long. First of all, Ed and I accomplished a lot in terms of emptying some spaces in the farmhouse -- so much so that he told me, in an effort to show his appreciation for my efforts, to please put out the jigsaw puzzle again, even if it is a bit of clutter. I managed to slide in a comment about how much my efforts to finish the sky had been disrupted and thus I haven't the motivation to work on it again, but if I wanted to punch, it was a futile effort -- we were both in such good moods that any attempted sarcasm was bound to fail.
The morning walk to feed these guys.

The other reason for feeling warm was that we have now allowed our blood to adjust to winter. We took a walk by lakes that were freezing over rapidly...

... and we were okay with the frosty air and cold wind. Indeed, I considered it to be a comfortably pleasant excursion. Hardly the bone chilling outing that would have made me shiver and shudder just a few weeks back.

Of course, this holiday/winter ritual (see below) also contributed to inner warmth. Try it! A warm beverage and a cookie, in front of your tree, if you have a tree. Heaven. Really, heaven.

Wait, who is that playing with the ornaments?! Dance! No! (Do cats listen to commands? They do not.)