This was my last entirely free day in the planting season (there is a lot going on in the next two or three weeks!) and I used every minute of it. Doing what? Planting! Lots and lots of planting.
I moved irises. (I have such mixed feelings about this flower. I love it, I planted it in a number of places and yet... It has such a short blooming period! So much space for a fleeting appearance early in the season and then boom! You have to wait another year for a rerun.) I moved hostess (I'm always moving hostess. I'm sure every person who works with plants is always dividing and moving hostas.) I finished planting the lavender (and winced at some of the replacement plants: they looked if not dead on arrival, then certainly terribly ill on arrival). I put in the last day lilies (this is a real milestone for me in each year: to be done with lily planting means that I have to wait until January before I can start dreaming about new varieties). All this took many, many hours. I did not pause for lunch, I did not pause for rest. I just planted.
Ed is nearly finished with planting trees and I want to help him, really I do, but my plate was full today. Exhaustingly full.
I did have a very nice, very leisurely early walk to the barn, camera in hand...

And Ed and I and Dance had breakfast together...

And then we plunged into our respective planting work. The weather was perfect for it: spring at her best. Partly cloudy, a touch cool, but pleasantly so.
I am absolutely positive that we will not survive a show with popcorn tonight. The only question is who will fall asleep first on the couch -- a very tired Ed or a super tired me!