Sunday, May 09, 2021

moms out there

Wishing you all a happy mother's day is like sending out a merry Christmas message to everyone you can think of: you're going to miss the target, since the good wishes apply to only a minority of humankind. Most people out there are not mothers, cannot be mothers, have no intention of taking on mothering responsibilities. Still, can we all agree to celebrate the concept together anyway? Because moms really are indispensable, undervalued, ingenious, and for the most part passionately committed to raising the next generation of human folk. Even the most lackadaisical mom has put in her share of labor to get you to where you are today.

Since so much of what happens on earth (and to this planet) depends on the work of mothers, I think it's a fine idea to take the time to celebrate their efforts, even if you yourself are not a mom, or if your mom is no longer with you to hear your words, or if you're one of those whose mom isn't particularly interested in hearing from you, nor you from her. It does us all good to stop and pause and think lovingly about mothers today. Motherhood is a huge deal. Let's cheer on its magnificent contributions to our daily lives!

So, Happy Mother's Day to all!

We wake to another cool day. Yes, I'm ready for a warm up and a return to breakfasts on the porch, but it's just not going to happen until maybe later in the week. Cool, brisk, but still lovely -- this is the story of this year's early May in south central Wisconsin.

With breakfast most definitely in the kitchen. Special today -- imitating a French morning meal, just because. (Pain au chocolat.)

Needless to say, we work on our outdoor projects. For me -- repairing chicken damage in the garden, pulling weeds, planting a handful of monardas. For Ed -- well, everything. We try to strategize tree planting (which will likely take place within a week or so), but give it up for now. He's too meticulous in his approach and I'm too much in a hurry. We'll return to it over popcorn this evening.

In the early afternoon, I have a fantastically wonderful screen visit with my daughter and her family.

I can't believe this growing child is the daughter of my daughter! It's a beautiful image, really it is!

Somewhere in there I have a call with my mom who is moving the day after tomorrow. I'll see her then, but for now, we exchange greetings by phone. 

And then I'm off to the nursery where just a trio of flowers is waiting for me. It's such a bucolic ride! Hello, sandhill pair!

And still  later, my older girl comes with her family for a farmhouse visit and celebration. My girls are the greatest gift givers in the world and we spend some time opening presents. And they are also caring individuals who know how to make a person feel ultra special.

(another call from Primrose!)

And then it's time for dinner...




... with the cake I spontaneously picked up yesterday at the bakery.

If ever there is a day for more photos, this is the one! Of my daughter, as a mother to these two (and a third one so ready to be born!)

And what the heck -- let me insert myself into that bunch, adding a generation of motherhood.

And after all the dishes are cleared and tucked away, I sit down with Ed and we should be contemplating where to place a chestnut or a maple or a hickory, should be reading all those planting details he likes to pull up, drawing charts, sifting through the alternatives. But we're too tired! This from Ed -- I get tired after doing stuff that never even made me a little tired before!


A typical farmhouse Mother's Day, no? With all the delights of the day, with many contemplative moments, with many reasons to feel so very very grateful. Happy day indeed.