Well, I'll join the mounting criticism against the NYTimes taking over wordle. It's just not clever anymore. The word choices are stupid for many reasons which I can't speak of because it may ruin someone's game. I want my old wordle back!
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I liked the title of an article in the WashPost: "revenge travel!" Yeah, you got it! Revenge against the virus that kept us locked down and shut in! Revenge against the anxiety that caused sleepless nights and worry-filled days! Revenge against age, stealthily creeping forward and trampling over years of good retirement! An army of millions, plotting their revenge!
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Ed has me watching videos. Not about plane crashes or cute cats doing silly things (he likes both, for different reasons), but about the joys of taking charge of your written work and seeing it through to print. As you know, I've been sitting like a plump sausage on my Great Writing Project, not doing anything with it, not moving forward, stuck because there are too many choices and too many technicalities. Well, we ate dinner last night watching YouTubes on how to overcome this "finished product" malaise. And I feel good about what I saw. Who knew that uploaded videos could energize and inspire you to move forward.
(breakfast, now almost always with The Cat)
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How many numbers have you blocked on your phone? Having in the last few days received dozens of spam calls, nearly all beginning with the first three digits of my own cell phone number, I began the arduous task of blocking each and every call that comes in. Who do you think will win this game - me, attacking infinite unblocked number combinations, or the spammers with that same infinite set of numbers still to try?
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I got new glasses this afternoon that look exactly the same as my old glasses.
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Today, my Warsaw apartment switched hands. My friends own it now. I had told my sister that I don't have sentimental attachments to places, but actually, I do have attachment to memories and I have nothing but good ones of those five or six years when I experimented with living in Poland again. But, three things changed for me: grandkids multiplied, the pandemic arrested stress free travel, and Ed and I are gettin' old-ish. All that is enough to have me spend less time there and more time here.
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I picked up Snowdrop after school. We went straight to the farmhouse.
There will come a time when the girl will get nothing out of my reading to her anymore. Right now though she still loves my narration. And my giving voices to characters in graphic novels. Today we finished a book that lent itself perfectly to graphic presentation (Turtle in Paradise) and it was magnificent! And it made me think about the different worlds created by words and images. I never read the book in text form, but I tell you, the artistic rendition of a kid's life in the Key West of the 1930s was awesome. I felt I was there!
(I knew and loved comic books when I was a kid, but I don't think they had graphic novels then. In case you've never seen one -- it's just like a comic book, except in book form. The story moves along with the help of words and pictures both.)
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If you are the youngest in a family of five, you find yourself spending a lot of time watching and learning. Call it observational research. Sparrow is now mobile enough to choose his research subjects carefully.
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What's worse: watching the great skating event unravel at the Olympics or seeing blood pour from a dead person's bashed skull into a swimming pool on episode 8, season 4 of Breaking Bad? You tell me!
Popcorn helped. Followed by a glass of wine. Followed by an ice cream sandwich.
With love...